• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • So, the Higgs is, if I recall right, sensitive to the masses of other particles, and I don’t think this has much to do with gravity per say (gravity just reacts to mass-energy to curve spacetime) but the fact that Higgs can decay to other particles and also feels the ‘Higgs’ effect/field of which the Higgs boson is kind of like a left over. The Higgs mass can thus ‘blow up’ from contributions from other particles, because in a quantum field a particle will potentially fluctuate to several particles and then back again, and of course, you can’t decay into something if you are less energetic than it. [edit: although that might not be important, if ‘virtual particles’ heavier than you vanish before anything can measure them. actually now that I recall I think it was mainly virtual particle contributions that mattered here.]

    I very hazily recall that it is possible to have some mass from non-Higgs effect sources, for instance quarks binding to each other contributes most of a proton’s mass rather than the Higgs effect, so the Higgs boson could have /some/ mass even if we turned off all the Higgs bits except for the boson itself, but my impression was that it was majority from Higgs interactions, from which the Higgs boson is relatively ‘unprotected’ from being ballooned up. A counterpart particle can provide counterterms to help keep mass low, like a seesaw, but the standard model Higgs has no such counterpart unless you introduce something extra.

  • Neutralinos and squarks are entirely theoretical counterparts as part of an extension to the standard model, which were expected to be observed at the LHC as ‘natural’ but weren’t and we have no concrete reason to think they exist; the Standard Model of normal matter still reigns supreme. However if there are really dark stars it does lend some actual support, and would be the first actual evidence.
    Basically the idea is there might be a symmetry between bosons (spin 1) and fermions (spin 1/2), a ‘supersymmetry’, so that every known (fundamental) particle has a secret doppleganger. I vaguely recall one motivation was providing counter-terms, as if you add more matter it can blow up the Higgs, but the irony is the Higgs is fine if you just… Don’t add any dark matter, like the asymptotic safety program pointed out and actually garnered a prediction of the Higgs mass with before anyone measured it. And everyone argued it would be more ‘natural’ if the new particles showed up at LHC energies. They didn’t.
    Personally I’m betting against it; supersymmetry has just actively had predictions working against it so far. The particles would end up introducing more parameters than they solve.

  • Extinguish the left is very much an attainable goal in their view. They almost stole the presidency in an insurrection. They were literately going to murder Mike Pence. The next time around we might have a more competent conservative president who manufactures an emergency and then we are literately fucked.
    Something like ‘murder a fuckton of people’ doesn’t need an easily definable goal post: that there are always more people to murder who don’t quite meet your standards is a FEATURE, not a bug.

  • I’ve had some heavy ideas about this.

    Random chance actually means it is very likely there are random clusters of users even in small groups who are closer together than others who could do more locally together. Some kind of mechanism to help figure out if we have a critical mass of protestors/mutual aiders/whatever (without giving away those protestor’s names) for a project would be a good idea, and wouldn’t necessarily have to be very complicated. Maybe a single page that just asks for location and what kind of project you are interested in?

    There are also some forms of work that lend themselves really well to being online. Coding, writing, news, encouraging people to vote, sending money to workers on strike. I firmly believe the most effective way to combat unethical companies is simply to start and support worker owned companies where every employee gets a vote on their wages, and ‘starve’ the big companies. I found myself looking at the massive amounts of money raised and wasted in political campaigns by single dollar donations and found myself thinking - damn, with a million dollars, you could start a really small company with that. The second most effective way is probably striking, which, yes, you need people on the ground for that.

    We could use an ethical version of Amazon, with a collective of shops that people can visit (the offline side of warehousing is a whole other bundle of issues), and an ethical Paypal. I know that credit unions exist, but I don’t know of any credit union that has a Paypal-like API and easy convenience of simply clicking to pay for things. Uber and other apps. There is a huge amount of labor that we could ‘take back’ simply by providing another venue for people to practice it. Unfortunately, I don’t think the fediverse way of doing things is quite appropriate when it comes to systems dealing with money. It’s one thing to duplicate posts or ads for content for sale, but you don’t want to duplicate credit card information. Open source it maybe and use ‘semi centralization’; the Paypal-esque site can handle logins and money, and the Amazon-esque sites can perhaps do some form of federation and handle actual showing of items.

    TLDR: it is definitely possible to do quite a bit online, and I think work reform has some avenues via it that have been severely under-utilized and neglected in the information age, as we tend to think of action as just being about protest. Protests can certainly be useful, but should not be our sole course of action if we want a paradigm shift. I find it extremely striking that when most people talk about action, they almost always mention protests and strikes first, if they mention anything else at all.

    I actually had a much longer post, but it complained it was too long. So I think I will make my own thread.

  • Here’s an idea:
    A really simple bot that users can talk to via the fediverse and will spit out responses if talked to, like a roleplay bot. I suggest this because it probably wouldn’t take much time to complete basic functionality, being purely text based, but could be easily expanded to make the gameplay more interesting over time. ‘Multiplayer’ could be done via a command like ‘@roleplaybot I attack @Stardust’ (parsed by splitting/exploding the string) and having some kind of simple database storing HP and such.
    Then if that works, maybe a more ambitious version of the game that actually displays images and such, perhaps 2d.
    Example commands:
    @roleplaybot generate me a dungeon/monster/goblin
    @roleplaybot role dice d6
    @roleplaybot DM a session between me and @Stardust
    @roleplaybot Set my class Rogue Level 1
    @rpbot Travel up stairs

    Could be a lot of fun. You’d probably be looking at using something like javascript or typical webserver backend like php, ruby, some of the already existing fediverse code you could just start modifying. Take one of the existing scripts that do something on an activitypub response and include the roleplay bot’s stuff. Nodejs seems like an obvious choice for a game + webserver but I’m not sure how much activitypub coding exists for it, haven’t looked.