Can someone explain why these tariffs would be good, but any others would be a tax on Americans?
Can someone explain why these tariffs would be good, but any others would be a tax on Americans?
Technically it is not. The city of New York encompasses 3 Islands (Including Long Island, the largest island in America) and only a small peninsula that is actually on the Mainland proper. The result is that about 90% of New York City is not on the American mainland/continent.
I am not saying you are wrong, just legally the cop could make the argument for Exigent circumstances and easily win.
I doubt it is that simple, especially as noted the sheriff said the child ran from him, that triggers two things, whether it was exigent circumstance (child was in danger, he ran after them) or that the actual running gave probable cause to believe they were an elusive suspect. Both things have been upheld, but they would probably go with the first because its a child, and well “won’t somebody please think of the children!.” This may be alot of things but an easy dismissal it would not be.
So ymmv and I am NAL, but under case law there is what is known as the “Payton Threshold” so named after Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) (which while applying nationwide, the details vary by jurisdiction). The generally accepted rules, iirc, is that once a police officer is allowed into a home (even by only an inch) they are essentially free to detain anyone in the home and a perform a limited search (generally of anything in plain sight and/or in grab-able distance to the arrestee). Based on the circumstances, I am assuming this is what the sheriff was trying to reference by saying once he’s through that door he has more power.
Tysm for the source, I do understand the budget argument as currently there are almost no itin loans being underwritten by banks. If the banks don’t think they can make money on it, greatly expanding the market (while noble) sounds like opening the floodgates of losses. It also could create a gold rush/competition if California is successful but that literally may take 15+ years to find out.
My question is about any type of non “conventional” couple being approved for adoption in China. As I understand it, their policy involved a strict “moral standing” to adopt, anything that deviated was instantly denied. So I am confused as to how any queer people would pass that test, let alone that its happened.
Do you have a source for China allowing anyone who isn’t cisgender to adopt? I have only ever heard that it is an instant denial.
When are we going to do AIPAC?
Just to add, Kate Winslet (The actress who played the character) turned 21 during filming.
Could be wrong but what I saw was the snakes skin pattern looking like up and to the left arrows which leads directly to it’s mouth.
Bus and Train service into the city can easily pass $15 round trip even with monthly passes. It was so infuriating to have to listen to people who already pay $600+ for a garage already crying about having to pay $15. If you live in New York City you know the area they wanted to tax has almost no parking before 7 pm except for commercial vehicles, and it is $5+ an hour (based on area, and increasing in cost by how long you stay) to even do that. And to make it worse was how many of those upset would be people from Upstate and New Jersey who only come to NYC 2x a year if that.
The user you replied to is trying to draw a false equivalency by posting a different article. He must be upset that someone who was previously deported, and thereby committing a federal felony by returning, had his criminal history mentioned in a crime report.
Bro Idk if you wanna believe what they tell you, but how do you think a pier was built in Gaza by American forces with no boots on the ground? Where are the weapons coming from? Like you gotta ignore alot to say we aren’t there.
I laid out various arguments, and had numerous discussions but thats what you heard? Like call me if you serious but this is such troll I am about to dox you,
Double downed and ignored my query entirely, but you are smart because? You really can not even read but are living in America? Are a you are troll or Biden migrant because literally kys seriously, like you are no benefit to any country
You really could just ignore me, but you wont let anyone else have the last word. Just when you sleep I want you to remember you literally lied multiple times about why you support Harris, and then called me stupid for not supporting her. And you think you do not have an abundance of hate in your heart?
So you ignored all my facts gave only opinions and that still doesn’t support you, squid you post 500x a day, i may not know you, but i know your cadence, and you really can’t admit that you lied multiple times to support supporting Harris. Like shes literally horrible, screaming Trump bad is not helping especially when you say that legit discussion is not to be had.
From what I have seen/heard from a few developers, is that because iOS 16 is the last OS supported by iPhone X (which had a hardware level jailbreak), there is a move to ban/flag anything lower than 17 as it its potentially running in a rooted environment.