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Cake day: 16. kesäkuuta 2023


  • I really hope to build a welcoming community I welcome different views and options and hopefully a lot of write ups I’m enjoying making them and trying to start making longer more in depth ones. That is an interesting idea about Kyron tho, there have been a lot of bodies discovered in places for years, and that defiantly could be option for what happened. I’m gonna go over his case again with that in mind and see how it feels. It did always seem that people just jumped on the stepmom even tho the evidence isn’t really there, sure she might not be the best person, but there isn’t anything that has convinced me she is a suspect. Im going to have a think for my controversial theories, thank you for posting this!

  • Jon Benet Ramsey is a really annoying one it does just seem that no one involved wanted it solved, for whatever reason, it was such a disaster from start to finish and although im never gonna stop hoping that little girl gets some justice, I really dont think she ever will. Also thanks although ive vaguely heard of the Gilgo Beach Bodies i have never really looked into it and it looks like a great rabbit hole to dive down.