• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I think i was in a similar spot before (eventhough it lasted way less years). the problem i realised was, that i put my former partner on a podest. they were my godess/queen or whatever. i realised thats because i was romantacising it way more than it was in reality. I did meet them again after a few years and they seem to have changed. thats when i realised maybe they never changed but i didnt see them for who they are back then with youthfull naivity and rosecolourentainted glasses.

    i started to change my mindset, in the sense that i dont need them or any partner for my perfect life. i just need me. i am the most important person in my life now, as it should be. it took time, it took therapy, but i got there and life is better without feeling dependent on such (at least partly) imaginary things.

    i hope things turn around for you, and you can enjoy the future. as you said the past cant be changed, but the future can.

    Edit: typos

    Edit2: my wife has adhd and i love her dearly. just as a reminder that you are lovable too the way you are.

  • Yeah i have basicly no filter. especially audio wise. i listen to all the stuff all the time. and selective hearing is also bad. whatever is loudest, is what i hear the most. sometimes i am envious of people who are able to blend sounds out. sometimes its quite usefull tho ^^ like i dont have to be in the kitchen or the basement to hear when water is boiling or the washing mashine is done. so i guess there are some positives.

  • THANK YOU! you out into words what i have been struggleing so much to explain. i am diagnosed with social anxiety but i dont feel its quite fitting. i suspect heavily to be autistic, and i relate to your number 2. a lot. i mainly feel anxiety because i know i perform worse. all out of a sudden i cant do things i can do well normally and am quite proficent in, just because someone watches me do it or is just in the same room. im so focused on them and what might go on inside them. this makes spending time doing stuff with other often hard if im not hyperfixating.

    ill bring this to my next therapy appointment.

  • ok ill go, eventhough i just started building and dont have such a well written origin and only placeholder names. but it goes like this: the fist thing the world knows is how Infinity has created it. back then the world was quite diffrent. everything was infinite and neverchangeing. out of this premature world Change started to exist. a god equally powerful to Infinity. with Change came day and night, life and death, happines and sadnes. since then those two creators have been fighting an everlasting fight over how the world should be.

    there will be like god champions around the concepts of destruction, creation, order and chaos who fight on either side of the two creators. the idea is that the humanoids and animals merely life inbetween this fight on their battlefield. ofc the audience wont notice this godly fight but there are still churches and cults formed around them.

    my idea was that i wanted necromancy in my game and it shouldnt be seen as evil. so i came up with the idea that a follower of infinity would see it as a good thing to extent life forever.

    thanks for this thread. your story gave me some inspiration to flesh my idea out.

  • Heyho it’s me again. After a rough patch in my life i got a sick note freeing me from work. Thankfully i live in a country that values mental health as highly than physical health. combined with a healthy environment at home i can actively relax and recharge. Ngl i do feel somewhat guilty of letting my coworkers down, but i know rationally its for the better. Today i will meet up with my board game group to play some games. This should be nice, since they all know my struggles and respect my limits. Next week is more active relaxation and self care planned. Wish you all a nice week. Take care!

  • i can feel this picture. for me it represents the times where i am in a situation that should be calm and relaxing, but somewhere in the back of my head sits this anxiety and makes me paniky and turns the calm scene into a paranoid nightmare. it luckily has been a while since the last time i experienced that big time. i also really like that town. reminds me of my home area, and i love my night walks. this picture perfectly capsules how irrational fear can ruin the nicest thing :( i hope you are in better times now, OP!

  • So my last week was pretty bad. even worse than the one before. i didnt find any chance to practive self care, and stress just grew more and more. im probably in a depressive episode by now aswell, which seriously impacts my rather healthy social life, since my anxiety is now on rampage. this is double bad since there are many events, and social things i would like to do. i spend the weekend to accept that i have to drop all of those plans and focus on my mental health. hope you week have been better.

    oh i kinda want to make a personal goal aswell. my personal goal is to catch up on my chores as much as i can and then reward myself with well earned alone time, and be aware that this is a good thing, and i am allowed to be a little goblin in my little cave form time to time ^^