Hey all,
I’m from germany but not good with how these EU politics work. Is there a way to see what party voted for or against chat controll?
Welfare state would be if the state took over half the rent payments, for example. Building more houses, that are not owned by the government is examplatory of a planned economy and the aspect of doing it to give more negotiating power to the average worker is a communistic idea.
Schon ein hoher Anspruch. Da hat youRFate schon recht. Der Döner kostet vielerorts keine 5€ mehr. Unter 6€ ist im großraum Köln schon selten. In der Innenstadt deutlich mehr. Vielleicht ist dein Dönerladen der Ausreißer? Laut statista lag der Dönerpreis in Berlin bereits 2022 im Schnitt über 5€. München lag im Preisvergleich deutscher Großstädte nur hinter Hamburg.
Die Daten sind leider durch Lieferando bereitgestellt und daher nicht zwingend der Straßenpreis. Dennoch sollte der vergleich zwischen Städten möglich sein.
Bei Döner unter 5€ würde ich auf die Qualität achten.
I’d love to read the article, but unfortunately ‘This content is not available in your country/region.’
Anyone wanna copy+paste me the article? Thanks in advance!
And they focused on the wrong things right out of the gate
Well, up to 2 people now. But yeah, I get your point. Some people just suck
Oh my god please touch grass
Maybe filter for ’ X’,'X ‘,’ X ’ if that’s possible
I love all the cute animal in bags pictures coming from New York because of this rule. I still think that was the main reason they implemented this
We will be locked in Solitary? Inseriously don’t get the point you’re trying to make. Please explain it further.
There is more competition in piracy with who you trust to download from, what codec you find is best and what page / travkers you use. These fragmented streaming services don’t have any of that choice to offer
Yeah I’m at a loss aswell. Is it a way to prove the source of a video?
Make it 12 in a year then
Hosting Illegal content
The .x.x literally shows that you can fit a /16 ( in there.
Oh my god that would be amazing
Vielleicht weil zumindest manche Froscharten Nachtaktiv sind? Aber sinnvoll / Lustig finde ich es dann dennoch nicht.
Is it still?