Usually you can extract the windows updater exe and use the bios/bin/upd file via mainboard bios update mechanisms
Usually you can extract the windows updater exe and use the bios/bin/upd file via mainboard bios update mechanisms
Do you have examples?
I was not aware of that, I had considered gpl•3 'the best" license until now. I agree in so many points with the autor
Sehen gut aus! Welche Sorte? Ich würde noch empfehlen das überschüssige Wasser weg zu schütten, lieber trocken statt zu nass. Ich persönlich fülle auch immer die Kübel fast bis ganz oben hin mit Erde, jeden ccm für Wurzelbildung ausnutzen :-)
Mplayer? What year is it? I thought everyone is on mpv now 8-)
Can there be more than 1 “worst”?
I use konsole daily and I’ve never seen this. What is it or rather how does it show up?
Sadly not so much for me. Minimize/maximize animation stutters, mouse stutters if explicit sync is enabled (unrelated to min/maximizing, had to disable it), some windows dont maximize to the right size and hovering taskbar overlaps. I’ll have to look into it and maybe open bugs. Only used 6.1beta for a few hours so far
Die sind in jedem Fall ein Erfolg. Meine outdoor Automatics sind noch deutlich kleiner
Übertrieben groß! :-)
sorry must’ve mistyped on the phone. I corrected my post. I basically meant: corporations pay bills, without having a bill they do not pay stuff. they do not give away money if they don’t have to. so paid support contracts are imho a good way for corporations to pay for FOSS. donations not so much
Oh ripping cds was my last use case for k3b :( I’ll check out Audex but why does it specifically say CD-ROM multiple times on the site? Is it not for regular, pressed audio cds? (CDDA) Why would I need it for a CD-ROM?
Back in the day, the rule was mbit (megabit) for data in transfer (network speed) and MB (megabyte) for data at rest, like on HDDs
My family is very satisfied with 6 mbit/s per stream. Some HEVC, most H264. They see it as high quality. 3 Streams would be 18 to 20 Mbit/s
Or, more likely, it feeds and satisfies a disorder which in turn decreases risk of real life abuse.
Making it illegal so far helped nothing, just like with drugs
You mean give away money without being billed?
Stupid clickbait article that twists the words to try and make a scandal