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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • What you’ve written currently seems strongly exclusionary towards CNC (consensual non-consent) if that CNC happens to take the form of someone roleplaying or fantasizing about themselves being an animal to a degree that the non-consent part follows from the sapient notion of consent not really being applicable. It similarly seems like you might have meant to exclude hypno kinks and similar.

    Is a broad exclusion of CNC your intent? If it isn’t, I strongly urge you to clarify, because right now it comes off as stronger and/or hinting at something broader than I think you may have intended.

  • Of all the things I haven’t had time for in far too long, I miss ERP the most.

    However, I don’t know if ERP is really even the right term for me, because I’m basically never roleplaying a character that’s distinct from me. The collaboratively created setting and actions can be far more real to me than actual reality.

    My species dysphoria runs so strong that even when I’m having sex in real life, if I want to get off I have to focus on an imagined version of events where I’m in a more true form (feral). This is not from a disinterest in real-life sex, anything but! (It should say a lot that I never put PrEP on pause even during the height of the pandemic.) Rather, my point is that in a way, sex is kinda always ERP, at least to me inside my head.

    As for where: I miss the days before F-List went off the rails in a bizarrely anti-privacy way by permitting FFA to exist instead of banning it for enabling creepy/abusive record-keeping of otherwise ephemeral LFRP postings. I haven’t felt safe on that platform since that became a thing.

    I also dearly miss the days when just chatting with people would rather often naturally segue into ERP. (Am I crazy for blaming the decline of that on smartphones?)

  • With the right mods, Skyrim. I am dead serious.

    There is so damn much stuff out there that you can combine to make just about any kind of experience you want.

    Want 3080-meltingly pretty graphics and everyone to be furries, with the extent of sex being just the werewolves having bits and the ability to take off your underwear to see a nice canid sheath? You can do that.

    Want to live out fantasies of you and your companion getting used by the enemies as sex slaves if you’re defeated in combat? You can do that.

    Want to make wolves friendly to you and have orgies with them when you shapeshift into a werewolf? You can do that.

    Want to hire a sellsword and have fun with his “sword”? You can do that.

    Want to walk into a town, come across a guard getting fucked by a horse, and trade handies with your follower while you both watch? You can do that.

    Todd Howard was all “See that mountain? You can climb it.” Mods turn it into “See that? You can do that.”