I see you fellow feeble little horse fan
I see you fellow feeble little horse fan
And what happens when he doesn’t pay?
Weird way to phrase “school shootings” but that’s one way to tackle the gun problem. Reframe it
And Dems will refuse to either A) send in the national guard to enforce the law or B) say fuck it the courts are irrelevant and ignore all the BS decisions they want
Shit maybe I need to finally do my SG1 rewatch
But where’s the fun in that for the rest of us?
I remember when the only place I saw people unironically use the phrase normie was 4chan. And now ironically the normies have adopted the phrase themselves, unknowingly appropriating 4chan culture
Good point about the Klingons enforcing a quarantine with force.
I’m pretty okay with just accepting it as a design change, I only bring it up because they previously tried to explain it.
Absolutely! Highly recommend watching DS9 :)
The reason why I say the Klingons “changed” and it’s not just a design characteristic is when the crew of DS9 goes back in time to the tribble incidence on board the enteprise, a character (I believe Odo) asks Worf to explain why the Klingons then look so different from him. He gets agitated and refuses to talk about it. If I recall as well, Afflication, the ENT episode has a story indicating that something regarding Augment experimentation resulted in different looking Klingons.
Yeah I won’t lie I’m… very confused but I’m kinda just rolling with it and hoping I figure it out along the way. I can’t speak for others but I find myself generally comfortable with computers and willing to try things out and see what I can do. Some people are afraid to do that and idk how to change it
l am happy that La’an seems to have some sort of characterization other than “hates the gorn and is angry”. There is potential for her to be interesting but she was downright forgettable to me in season 1.
I am confused by the choice to have the Klingons look like the redesign. This is TOS era so surely they should look like TOS era Klingons, no?
It goes without saying I agree with others about M’Benga and Chapel just taking drugs and fighting Klingons. We can find ways to justify it and make it make sense but it feels out of place.
I also just… don’t like Chapels character. It doesn’t really make sense to me that half the time the Nurse is doing the things the doctor would normally be doing but also is a kick ass bad ass action star. If anything the way they’re portraying Chapel should be how La’an is portrayed.
Honestly now that I type that out, I’m thinking about how in TOS Chapel is just a small quiet side character. If you’re gonna have Chapel in SNW maybe it would make more sense for HER to be the one emotionally scarred by the Gorn, and her character arc over the course of the show being a lot about her mental and emotional recovery. Going from being totally reclusive but accepted into starfleet medical for being competent to coming into her own and finding her strengths.
The fact that democrats running for office aren’t blasting this to use fear to drive votes is moronic.
The republicans are great at weaponizing fear, it would be so easy to make ads that say “GOP wants you to carry your rapists baby and then have them shot up going to school”