This looks interesting; thanks for sharing!
Maybe if the academic world behaved like that, I wouldn’t have burned out and fucked off to the IT sector a decade ago.
Kind of adjacent to this, years ago around said burnout I kept floating this idea around my head where I was thinking if there was some way out of this tradition of creating these giant monolithic papers every time -even if your effective research result could be distilled down to a paragraph with some numbers and preliminary handwaving- where you need to pad the whole thing out with a big-ass literature review to keep the citation circlejerk going.
So why not just have “papers” consist of effectively a few paragraphs? The citation tree of how you got there is still relevant, but you can put all of that stuff in what’s effectively metadata and not clutter up the whole thing with it.
Have an idea for a lab experiment? Publish the methodology as-is, and link it to whatever other tidbits of knowledge make it relevant. Did the experiment and got results? Publish the data, and link to the experiment. Got some new theory out of the results? Publish the theory and link to the experiment results in the metadata. And so on.
Maybe this would have weird side effects of its own, but I can’t help but imagine this would make the whole process so much less painful, and allow also for better organizing of the knowledge produced.
The ring promised him great power, like that he would finally be able to find those droids he’s looking for
I didn’t ask “Can you imagine something better?”, but “Do you think they would be replaced by something better?”
Edit: And that’s ignoring the fact that the EU hasn’t even existed for centuries to do any of that colonialism or other stuff which you think merits its dismantling.
You think they would be replaced by something better, if they were somehow dismantled now?
Instructions unclear, now the universe consists of nothing but an oven preheated to 375F
True; some mold is actually medicine. Therefore you only have 1/4 chance of dying.
You have the causation wrong here.
Autistic people go into astronomy, and then find more exoplanets. Therefore autism causes exoplanets!
My feelings on this:
I’m not sure “blue”, “red”, “green”, or “white” are strictly speaking stances.
To avoid this, you need to succeed in the roll of evasion against the toll roads notification of toll evasion
Yeah, I’d be pretty embarassed too if I offered my shed skin to some complete stranger.
Unfortunately Earth is mostly below the horizon for this one. :(
I want to see a video of this one’s magazine blowing up.
And if you ask a cosmologist what the universe is made of, they go “Well, there’s a lot of dark matter, and even more dark energy. And then there’s a tiny bit of some matter or something idk lol.”
Look at moneybags here, who can afford their own shotgun.
They still seem to be used a lot in countries like the UK where I guess they want to feel like steampunk engineers every time they want to get the correct temperature of water come out of their taps.
Hey, this is a repost. I swear I saw this yesterday somewhere.
Nuo ovat kyllä yhtiä haaskalintuja nuo asianajotoimistot jotka noita heippalappuja lähettelevät; otan osaa.
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