An engineer’s work is never finished. Throws laptop into the sea.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2021


  • afaik anarchism is in favor of housing being a, (whats-the-word) service, rather than a, uh, capitalist good.

    Anarchism is in favor of subsidized/free/i’m-not-sure-what-the-word-is education, transporation, health care too?

    Transportation as in private vehicle or like buses? Buses i can easily imagine being ‘free’. Private vehicles my imagination isn’t returning anything.

  • Hmm maybe the subscribe it’s down right now, but “On peertube go to a video, press subscriube. Under subscribe with remote account, write in your mastodon address. Press subscribe remotely.”

    Isn’t working. At least on the 2 peertubers I tried to do it on. I put in, , but that didn’t work. The other method works though.