• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年10月25日

  • OkxatoOpensource@programming.devGIMP 3.0 Released
    10 天前

    If anyone else was annoyed by the excessive animations in the UI, it should obey your OS settings for reduced motion:

    We now better respect reduce motion and animation OS settings across the interface. Several animations and “easter eggs” no longer display based on your system settings. We implemented these fixes after feedback from users that these animations could cause motion sickness and other issues for certain people.


    On linux, adding gtk-enable-animations=false to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini will disable the animations. (Although I don’t know if that is the prefer reduced motion setting per se, or just override for gtk3, Either way, the animations are disabled).

  • I do not like the UID system either, I’d rather fix broken refs myself, than take this mess of a system that pollutes git history.

    There is a open proposal to disable the system alltogether, with a fair number of likes, but it seems that the team is not currently convinced to support disabling UIDs in the engine. There is a open PR implementing it, but it is old and I’m not sure if that approach would still work if rebased to current master.

    There is also another PR for only disabling generation of separate UID files, but again, no support from the godot team.

    If there is no other solution, it might be necessary to maintain a patch which would allow to build godot without UID support, but it would take effort.

  • OkxatoSuomiMistä ostaa .fi-domain?
    28 天前

    Liene sitä voi yksityishenkilönäkin ryhtyä. Itse olen henk. koht. domainit näin rekisteröinyt ja nopealla vilkaisulla tuolla välittäjäksi rekisteröintilomakkeessa voi valita esim. yksityishenkilön.

    Toki silloin ei kannata sillä välittäjätilillä myydä muille domaineja, vastuuasiat voi olla sitten omilla niskoilla tms.