• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • accessible version (not an exact transcription):

    Kirby, Bandee, and Elfilin are making their way through the Wondaria theme park.

    Elfilin, confused: A water pipe?

    Kirby thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea.

    He puts his mouth on the water pipe, and fills up with water like a balloon.

    He then waddles over to a nearby patch of mud, and sprays it all away.

    Elfilin, happy: Neat idea, Kirby!

    Kirby happily hums a “Thank you!”

    The three of them move forward, with Kirby washing away more mud (and enemies, too). They hop up a newly cleaned (courtesy of Kirby) set of stairs.

    As Kirby blasts away more enemies, Bandee sees some flowers that aren’t doing too well.

    Bandee: Looks like those flowers up ahead could use some water, too!

    Kirby obliges. The flowers, once dull and wilted, now stand tall and vibrant.

    Bandee, happy: Nice job!

    Kirby happily hums a “Poyo!”

    Kirby tries to climb up a ladder to the next area. Unfortunately, he’s too large and heavy to do so.

    He then tries – and (of course) fails – to jump up there without the ladder.

    This makes him sad for a moment, but then he starts thinking…

    …And he turns to face Bandee with a mischievious smile.

    Bandee, worried, thinking: Uh-oh. What’s he planning to do–

    Bandee yelps as Kirby blasts him in the face with a stream of water.

    Bandee, playfully upset: Kirby!

    Kirby’s still wearing that mischievious smile.

    Bandee screams as he barely dodges another stream of water from Kirby.

    Kirby starts spinning around in an attempt to hit Bandee, who lets out another scream – much more playfully this time – as he runs in a circle around Kirby.

    Elfilin, a safe distance above all the action, watches the two with great amusement.

    A few seconds pass. Kirby starts to run low on water… but as he loses water, he also gains speed!

    Bandee, scared, thinking: Oh no! He’s getting faster!

    Bandee, determined, thinking: …That just means I gotta get faster, too!

    Bandee picks up the pace.

    A few more seconds pass. Kirby still hasn’t scored a second hit on Bandee.

    Kirby, a bit tuckered out, pauses for a moment to catch his breath.

    Bandee doesn’t notice! He continues to run around Kirby…

    …who, seizing the opportunity, blasts out all of his remaining water right as Bandee runs past him again!

    Bandee yelps again as all the water hits him.

    Kirby, happy: Poyo!

    Kirby, smiling: …I’m all outta water!

    Elfilin, happy: That looked like fun!

    Kirby, pleased: Yeah, it was!

    Bandee, happy: Well, it was really fun, but…

    Bandee, relieved: I’m just glad it’s over now!

    Elfilin looks at the two of them with a happy expression…

    …but then he notices something.

    Elfilin, happy: …Hey, Kirby!

    Elfilin, winking: I see another water pipe up ahead!

    Bandee, playfully upset: Elfilin!

    The end.