• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Snapshots on the file system are instant and can be rolled back or opened in read only mode if you need an older version of the file.

    Sending a snapshot through replication is also much faster as the system just sends the snapshot itself which updates the files system in one pass by sending all of the changes made rather than having to compare file by file.

    For comparison, using rsync to update my backup with 250,000 files might take 20-30 minutes because it has to check every file on the source and destination to see if it has been modified. Sending a zfs snapshot is 15 seconds because it just sends the differences in one pass.

  • I have a couple of 8TB Seagate SMR drives. They’re slow as sin but perfect for cold storage backups.

    One sits in a safe deposit box and the other is in my backup server and gets zfs snapshots replicated to it automatically with sanoid. I swap them out about every six months. My data is very safe.

    Main server zfs array with snapshots replicated hourly to backup zfs server, replicated weekly to HD swapped in SD box every 6 months.

  • It won’t matter. The liberals will be out in the next election. Just a matter of who wins and if it’s a majority or not.

    But tougher gun laws in Canada are a nothing argument. From the gun fatalities every year I’d love a real report on how many are by licensed gun owners storing their equipment per regulations. Maybe one or two shooters across a country of almost 43 million? Laughable excuse for regulations. Crack down on illegal firearms instead.

    Anyone in a vehicle or residence with illegal firearms in them gets the exact same penalty (jail for Canadians and deportation for everyone if not) if they need to use nonwithstanding to beat bleeding heart lawyers so be it.