• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Excuse me, your honor. I think we need to have a hearing on what the definition of fact-finding is. Actually, I think we need three separate hearings. One is to define the word fact, then the word finding, and the last to define fact-finding with regards to the scope of this case. Oh, and that reminds me…we need to define the word scope as well. I mean what kind of scope? A periscope? A telescope? And how do we define definition anyway? I think we need a hearing on that as well…and what does constitute a hearing, anyway? Has that been defined anywhere? See how complex this case is? You’re confused, your clerk quit an hour ago, and even your stenographer confessed to Nixon’s disappearance and went to jail rather than suffer through this any more. So how do you expect a jury of my peers to undestand this. And what do we mean by “peers” anyway…

  • From the article:

    “There is a difference between a resource-wasting and delay-producing ‘mini-trial,’ on the one hand, and an evidentiary hearing geared to adjudicating the contested factual and legal issues on a given pre-trial motion to suppress,” Cannon wrote.

    Yeah, you fucking cunt. You’re doing the former while trying to call it the latter and using Trumpian doublespeak and circular logic to justify it.

    Trump’s lawyers say they believe the wording used in the search warrant to authorize agents to seize “national defense information” and “Presidential Records” wasn’t specific enough, and Cannon agreed that there were “ambiguities.”

    “The Court determines that some of the terms in that document do not carry ‘generally understood meaning[s]’ such that a law enforcement agent, without further clarification, would have known to identify such material as ‘seizable’ property,” the judge wrote on Thursday.

    I don’t even know where to begin here. Is she literally entertaining the idea that FBI agents are too stupid to know what national defense information and Presidential records are? What the fuck is that?

    I can’t even…seriously…I just can’t. This is a level of stupid that I did not think was achievable by sentient human beings that are allowed to go outside without adult supervision.

    Please, PLEASE tell me that this is finally an appealable issue. It HAS to be, right? Right? The 11th circuit or whatever appeals court oversees her will be able to bitchslap her again and hopefully remove her from the case, right? Or is all hope truly lost and we’re destined to spend the next several months trying to figure out if the FBI knows what national defense information is until she finds the next excuse to delay the case for another eleventy billion years?

  • I’m assuming you meant the young girl at about the 17 second mark.

    Wherever she ended up, she did not sit behind Bobo:

    And when you make an accusation that she was stroking him off when in reality she copped a quick feel over his pants, whether his dick was out absolutely does make a huge difference. Her behavior was wholly inappropriate, especially considering she’s an adult and a Congresswoman, but she didn’t do anything that thousands of teenagers don’t do regularly when on a date in a dark theater. Let’s not make it out to be worse than it really was just because the person involved is unpopular.

  • It seems unlikely that she will take that chance though since she can cause more delay by staying where she it, but who knows, she doesn’t seem to be the sharpest crayon in the box so maybe she will do it.

    She has two goals:

    1. To entertain all of the ridiculous motions to get the charges dismissed that Trump makes and deny them. This is for the purpose of cover so she can point to those rulings as a defense against accusations of bias, while also delaying the trial until after the election in the hopes that Trump wins and orders the DOJ to drop the charges.

    2. If and when the case does go to trial, then she’ll entertain and grant a motion to dismiss once a jury is seated so double jeopardy attaches and Trump walks anyway. She’s already openly all but said as much, as she is intentionally waiting until the start of the trial to rule on some defense motions.

    Plus, then she’d probably be free to go on the right wing talk circuit and make piles of money while still supporting Trump.

    The appellate courts removing her from the case won’t mean she stops being a judge. Only impeachment and removal can do that, and there’s zero chance that 2/3 of the senate is going to vote to remove her from the bench. Her seat is secure. She’s basically trying to angle for a seat on the Supreme Court, knowing that two judges are likely going to be replaced during the next term and this is her best shot at getting one of them, while also knowing full well that her job is secure even if all of this blows up in her face. In her mind, she’s basically gambling with house money.

  • Polling earlier this month placed Boebert with a 35-point lead over five other candidates, though 40% of voters were undecided at the time, according to the Kaplan Strategies poll.

    What the fuck? Her new district sees a carpetbagging moron who has successfully passed zero bills, came within a cunt hair of losing a safe R seat to a Democrat because she’s an embarrassment to Colorado, then went on and became a national embarrassment after going to second base with her boyfriend at a Bettlejuice play, was basically run out of her own district, and collectively said “Yeah, we want more of that!”?

    We really are in the stupidest timeline. I will never forgive Trump for a lot of things, but especially for opening the door and allowing people like her and MTG to rise to power.

  • The bill says that “most male and female infertility” can be treated with medication, surgery, or simply by figuring out the optimal time for intercourse in a woman’s cycle.

    This sentence alone should tell you all you need to know: This bill was written by a whole bunch of old, white people who have no clue what the hell they’re talking about but want to push their religious views onto others.

    Their whole argument is just basically a really long-winded way of rehashing the same nonsense they’ve been saying for years: “Use the rhythm method.”

  • Trump, one of the shittiest human beings ever produced, could’ve been a okay to good president.

    I have said before and I will say again: We all are very lucky that Trump is too stupid to be able to get out of his own way. Had Trump just said “Look, it’s going to be OK. Like I always say, I only take on the best people, and the best people are going to guide us through the pandemic” and just listened to people who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about, he could have easily won the 2020 election in a landslide that would have been up there with the Regan/Mondale landslide in the 1980s, and Biden would have been a footnote at most.

    But Trump had to let his ego take control, as it does literally every time, which means that he always must take the absolutely worst possible option available in any given situation, and he has mastered the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • Funny thing is…do people think Pornhub is the only porn site on the internet or something? That if they make Pornhub shut down that all the porn will magically disappear? Fucking LOL. Sure, there’s a good idea guys. It’s not like there aren’t a billion other porn sites on the internet that couldn’t give a shit less about US age verification laws.

    All this will do is drive people away from the most popular porn sites that at least have something in place even if it isn’t very good and drive them to any number of other sites where they’ll pick up all sorts of malware on their devices and probably finding even more of the porn-of-questionable-legality that these bills were meant to stifle in the first place.

    Fire hot, water wet, teenagers are gonna find porn. It’s embedded in their DNA. Don’t believe me? Ask any teenager in the 80s about going into the woods to find a stash of porn magazines. We weren’t told this shit. It’s just like we…knew. Basic instinct. We somehow just knew there was porn in the woods and on scrambled cable TV channels at like 4 in the morning. Porn is eternal. And as long as it’s out there, teenagers are going to find it.