• 11 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Currently i have the Problem that i my Desktop Shortcuts are not anymore connected to the Desktop File. So for Example when i click on Amazon, Amazon will be open in separated window whats fine is, but when i click again on the Amazon Desktop File than a other Window will open again and the Current existing Window will be not in focus.

  • Here is a Solution. I don’t know why this isn’t enabled by default, but you can get the swipe gestures to work by starting Brave like this:

    brave-browser --enable-features=TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation

    Also make sure to use a Wayland DE and set “Preferred Ozone platform” in about:flags to Wayland.

  • I get what you mean i’m also a subset of enby but when we speak about Tomboys or Tomgirls i actually mean the appearance and the look, so for me its not a identity or gender. But its funny to see that exist for Feminine People guides how to dress more Masculine and for Masculine People you can’t find guides how to dress more Feminine i thing it just would be a healthy thing for everybody.