MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. They don’t want children who feel different to be self-accepting and they don’t want children to learn to accept others. They want to indoctrinate children to fear hate, and self-loathing. That’s the MAGA way.
I included a short, technical explanation because this is a soldering group and not an electronics group. I was posting the picture of the chip soldered onto the BoB and the BoB bodged onto the HMI board because that was soldering.
Switches are mechanical devices. When you press the switch it may appear to you that it’s a clean, immediate on or off, but in electrical terms switches are dirty. Most don’t cleanly make or break the connection. Switch bounce can look like this:
Image borrowed from https://www.circuitbasics.com/switch-debouncing/ which provides a good explanation of what I’m doing. In fact they use a 74HC14 which is related to the chip that I use.
Controller chips often read the switch bounce as separate presses which can mess up your program. Many people use software to debounce their switches by incorporating delays in the programs to make sure that the switch has been switched.
You can also use a resistor and a capacitor to smooth out the transition from high to low which gives you a debounced signal in the form of a curve rather than a sharp transition. That looks like this:
Depending on your controller chip this may solve the problem. When you’re using a really fast controller or when your controller is tristate the transition through the zone where the controller goes from thinking that a signal is high to thinking that a signal is low the controller can sometimes go back and forth a few times which is the same thing as bounce.
The contrller that I’m using, the ESP-32-WROOM-32, is one such fast tri-state controller. Using the best combination of resistor and capacitor that I could find I was getting three or four triggers on the transition from high to low and one or two on the transition from low to high. That is less than ideal.
So, I decided to use a Schmitt trigger. (A commenter linked to this excellent Wikipedia article.)
The Schmitt trigger give a much squarer, much more tri-state controller friendly debounced signal like this:
This is not strictly soldering related but I thought it might help. I’m happy to answer questions about what I did or the materials that I used if there are any.
I’m definitely serious about Scarlet Johansson sitting on my face. That’s more likely to happen than Canada becoming part of the US.
I’m definitely serious about Scarlet Johansson sitting on my face. That’s more likely to happen than Canada becoming part of the US.
MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. They don’t want children who feel different to be self-accepting and they don’t want children to learn to accept others. They want to indoctrinate children to fear hate, and self-loathing. That’s the MAGA way.
It looks like a centipede but there is all that web.
I should take anther run at the explanation?
I love pumpkin pie. I should try this.
Sounds delicious.
I bought an Olympus SZ40 second hand from a microscope store in Montreal. I wish I had bought one sooner. It’s an optical binocular scope and is on a sliding beam base. I added a ring light and I absolutely love it. I paid CAD$200 for it.
“Unexpectedly”? Everyone but the MAGA idiots expected it.
Make a list. If shit kicks off they will be the first to go.
Ready to?
We already are.
The US military is sworn to protect the constitution.
It’s time for them to do some protecting.
But eggs are getting less expensive, right?
I have a friend who was a student during the revolution in Iran. They had high hopes for the country post-Shah but very quickly realized that it had gone wrong and left to move to Canada. The military is the final line of defense. That are sworn to protect the constitution. The only thing that can save the US now is if the military does its duty.
When the leopards have eaten their faces?
I think that there are some Trumpers who will continue to insist that it was all a political witch hunt by the leftist pedophile drag queen deep state even then.