• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Agreed!

    And if you weren’t already convinced, those streaming services will kneecap the service you paid for by only giving lower bitrates, max quality 1080p, etc., unless you use their app. Why would anyone want to avoid using their apps? Because they have malware baked into them that spies on you.

    For how shitty cable TV was, at least they couldn’t use that service to eavesdrop on your private conversations, track what you watch, etc. If they find your personal data so profitable and worth taking from you, they should at least offer their service for free and get real consent from you before you use it. Big, bold letters next to the download button that say this service is monetarily free but we will spy on you very hard in exchange for its use.

    Until their services stop being shitty, expensive, and crammed full of malware, it’s the 7 seas for me, baby 🏴‍☠️⛵🏴‍☠️

  • I understand where you’re coming from. Obviously, non-violent means of enacting change like voting in reform should be the first choice to get things done.

    What options exist when nonviolent means are exhausted though? Your argument is essentially:

    “The government has the means to oppress the shit out of us. If it happens to us, there’s no point in fighting back so just roll with it and let it happen. I feel it’s better to have others force a way of life on me that I fundamentally disagree with, than it is to risk my life fighting for what I believe in so myself, my children, and foreseeable future generations can live their lives free of oppression.”

    With that, I hope you understand why I and many other disagree with your view.

  • There’s gotta be a way to disable telemetry. My first thought is to cut whatever antenna is used to transmit your data to the corporation. It could be the same antenna used for radio, but I’d go without radio in a heartbeat if it meant Ford, Chevy, or whoever can’t spy on me in a car I paid $15,000+ for.

    Of course, we shouldn’t have to do this. My first choice is to not give any of these car companies a dime of my money, but literally every single brand is doing it. This disgusting trend of spying on people should be illegal. It’s rapist behavior.

  • I wouldn’t trust what the ATF has said yet. They fabricated evidence that people at Waco were selling machine guns and explosives to justify their standoff and raid there, turns out all of that was a lie.

    They have all the incentive to take control of this story now so public opinion takes their side. Not unsurprisingly, they did the same thing after Waco and Ruby Ridge.

    Even if everything the ATF said here is proven completely true, I agree - fuck the ATF, there was no reason to surround this person’s house and start shooting. We should all expect much more out of our government than this. Disband these thugs.

  • If you unnecessarily bring a gun somewhere and end up in a situation where you need to use it to kill people, you’re a murderer.

    Even if he didn’t provoke anyone? As long as the gun isn’t pointed at anyone and threats aren’t made with it, there’s nothing provocative about it being there. I understand how others may feel different when their only exposure to firearms is what establishment news decides to show them, but reality is that the simple presence of a weapon like this is not alone a threat.

    If Kyle instead brought a concealed handgun (ignoring how that’s illegal for a 17 y/o) and only drew it a moment before when he shot his first attacker, would your opinion change? How about if it was a knife, or a rock he found nearby? What if someone else jumped in and killed Kyle’s attacker instead?

    He actively sought out the situation, and therefore bears some responsibility.

    He did not actively seek out to kill people, you’re misinformed at best if you believe that, arrogant at worst.

    I don’t feel that trying to stop property damage for a family friend’s establishment in the middle of a riot, where police refused to stop people, is a pattern of behavior I want to discourage people from doing. If a convicted sex offender tried to kill me for stopping them from destroying my friend’s livelihood, and I killed them in self defense, I wouldn’t feel remorse for my actions.

    I’m happy the jury ruled on facts and not liberal propaganda. And I say that as a registered Democrat.

  • Tell me if you were told a different series of events than this:

    The first guy chased Kyle while yelling threats about how he was going to kill him, cornered Kyle, then lunged at his gun before Kyle shot him. Kyle then ran towards police while a mob pursued him, throwing stuff at him including a heavy rock that hit him in the head knocking him down. The second guy ran up to Kyle while he was on the ground about was about to club him in the head with a skateboard before Kyle shot him, and the third guy ran up on Kyle and pointed a gun at his head before Kyle shot him.

    Care to elaborate on why you think the trial was a sham? Do you disagree that this was self defense? Or are you simply upset that he had a gun?

  • There’s no evidence that suggests these photos were posted by Trump’s campaign, and BBC didn’t mention who posted them despite having talked to them.

    I doubt it’s just me, but when I read the headline, I assumed that Trump’s campaign posted these photos. How else would it be news worthy? “Trump supporters post AI generated photos of Trump in an attempt to garnish support for Trump” is a normal Tuesday activity for these loons.

    This “journalism” is just rage bait, in my opinion.