Bei mir in der Nähe gibt es so ein komisches Konstrukt, da laufen zwei Metallstangen einfach parallel über den Boden…völlig nutzlos. Da könnte man doch eine super Straße bauen 🤔
Bei mir in der Nähe gibt es so ein komisches Konstrukt, da laufen zwei Metallstangen einfach parallel über den Boden…völlig nutzlos. Da könnte man doch eine super Straße bauen 🤔
Wo sind die Konservativen, die die daraus resultierende geschlechtsangleichende Operation für Männer dämonisieren?
Just in case you don’t know and are one of the lucky 10000 today:
You wouldn’t happen to run a jellyfin server on that mac mini would you? Currently looking to find something performant with small form factor and low power consumption.
The progressives are completely right about allowing two consenting adults to marry each other, regardless of other factors such as their skin color or their gender.
That’s just one thing. I can name more. We do not need condervatives in government, they are only holding us back.
What is one good thing of conservative influence in government that wouldn’t also be there without them?
You don’t have a right not to be offended.
new account
literally troll name
Y’all sure like to slurp this shit
Hey, lighthouse expert here with a tip for your next visit: Despite common belief you should NOT look directly into the light from 5 feet away.
What is gruesome about instant annihilation?
None of the people clutching their pearls about this would have done anything anways.
They were never gonna do anything that doesn’t directly and immediately benefit themselves anyways.
lmao keep complaining and sitting on your lazy ass
The climate crisis is not caused by certain individuals.
Go home vatnik