• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Delivery drivers and emergency services have to park in no-parking zones to do their job

    I don’t have an issue with emergency vehicles, when they are responding to an emergency, being in areas that they would not otherwise be allowed to be. Delivery drivers are not comparable to something like an ambulance, and don’t have special privileges unless those privileges are otherwise explicitly outlined.

    A delivery driver using the bike lane should be viewed the same as if they parked on the sidewalk. If the delivery driver is going to be breaking the law anyway, they should just pop on their emergency lights and block the road, they would at least be blocking the correct mode of traffic.

  • If you’re not having a good time, stop. Life is too short.

    If you’re still interested in using linux, LinuxMint or PopOs! are what most people would recommend to a new user, not Arch.

    Arch can be perfect for users with the time, knowledge, and effort to perfectly tailor things to suit their needs. They can make it perfectly efficient, without any excess.
    I just want to use my computer whenever I want it to work. I am fine with it having a few extra packages/applications that I might never use. I’ve being using linux as main (or only) operating system on/off for about 20 years, and I currently use Mint.

  • Some games/software expected/relied on a certain CPU speed to run correctly. If your computer was faster than that, the software would run too fast. The turbo button let you toggle between the maximum speed your computer could go, and the speed that the software needed/expected in order to run normally.

    Basically, there was an actual reason for the turbo button, it wasn’t just marketing on computers.