English is still not a Romance language
English is still not a Romance language
a force of good wouldn’t castrate you
Critical theory, my beloved
Just don’t eat brains duh
There’s Usenet, no memes but also sort of dead and suffering from spam
tip: you can shave your socks with a razor to easily remove pilling
it’s a no name replica
Is it designed for a biblically accurate angel?
Jar Jr.
Friendica, Smithereen or Hubzilla
Progesterone increases appetite, estradiol decreases it
Gentoo has a self-hosted GitLab instance at https://gitlab.gentoo.org/gentoo/gentoo now
ActivityPub acts like two-way RSS
He wasn’t, but Count Orlok from Nosferatu (1922) was
Why do you want sub-accounts, if you can have as many regular accounts as you want?
Channelling discontent in some way, with a bit of classic divide & conquer