I am autistic, and honestly OP, I feel very similar. But based on the comments, I’m starting to think that we’re both narcissists haha
I have this particular issue with a house mate who is self-obsessed and wants to do nothing but brag about his charisma and intelligence to anyone who dares come downstairs for a split second. He’ll go on for hours, and re-tell everything if someone else comes in. He kind of caricature-ises this whole experience for me. He has trapped me in a convo for so long that I’ve had evening plans ruined, even after telling him multiple times that I’ve got to go. No point pretending with him, you literally have to just ignore his existence and leave. Grim.
With friends and family? It depends.
For friends, I care if they’re very close (1 of a handful of people), not because of the topic itself. What I’m really listening out for is how they have been affected by the experience.
For more distant friends, acquaintances, colleagues… generally no.
100% this. Even if the closest friend I have told me they were suicidal, I’m not sure how well-composed my response would be.
OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this, and you deserve to feel better.
My advice would be to try not to antagonise other people for what they haven’t done, even if you maybe expected more. Life is pretty weird, and honestly, people with depression can be difficult to deal with. I say this as someone who is/has been that person. I am not proud of how that’s manifested in my social interactions sometimes.
You never know where someone is in terms of their emotional capacity. They could be depressed themselves, which could lower their empathy. They could have had a really rough week, which may have made your confession untimely for them. Who knows.
It sounds like you feel really lonely though, and honestly I would either 1) talk about that specifically over your depression as a whole, or 2) put yourself out there in community or hobby-related events and meet new people to form bonds with.
I wish you the best.