• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well for me it’s taken a long time since I can only play in about 15-30 min increments since I’ve got a kid. However I’d say an experienced player(s) would probably take about 4-6 hours? Definitely something you could finish in one day if you started early enough. Definitely faster than some of the more heavy wargames that’s for sure.

  • Just set up my new copy of War of the Ring. Never played before so I’ll be learning as I play. On my big table I have Death in the Trenches set up but I’m almost done with that. Once that’s done I’ll be replacing it with Pacific War, I’m also playing that online with a group but nothing beats the physical game!

  • Let’s see this month has been a good one for board games. The wife and I played Splendor and Terra Mystica. She always beats me in Splendor, I don’t know why but I always lose by one 1 point every time! On the heavier/wargames side of things I’ve been playing Death in the Trenches had to take a two week break while I was out of town but I’m about 2/3 done with it and it’s been an exciting back and forth. Also have plans to play Pacific War and War Room later in the month.