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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • AirlynxtoChat@beehaw.orgInitial thoughts
    1 year ago

    Kbin I’m struggling to understand how is any different than the other Lemmy instances besides a prettier interface. I do like the interface but Kbin.social seems to be the main instance and it’s having some growing pains right now (server-wise) so it isn’t integrating with the rest of the fediverse very well atm.

    Mastodon feels like a Twitter clone, but without all the right wing nut jobs. There is a fair share of left wing nut jobs but I’m finding it easier to ignore them. Since I never used Twitter much at all I’m finding it easier to navigate/learn Mastodon but really I just search some hashtags of what I want to see, subscribe and interact from there.

    As far as Lemmy in general goes I’m starting to understand the bigger picture. Mastodon is an instance on the fediverse and I can see and interact with content on Lemmy from there if I want to. I keep seeing the analogy that it’s like email servers so I’m treating it like I did the early days of email, try everything until I settle into a home and an interface I like.

  • AirlynxtoChat@beehaw.orgInitial thoughts
    1 year ago

    Undecided if I’ll go back to Reddit, but there’s nothing saying that I can’t do both. Lemmy and Kbin both have a long ways to go, but I’m excited to see what happens. If I happen to find a few cool communities and/or make a few friends along the way then great. Always was a Twitter hater but actually having a bit of fun over on Mastodon right now (many Twitter users migrated there after Musk)

  • Did you do that cold or were you just risking burns when putting the silicon sleeve back on? I’m confused as to what exactly is going on here. The only real difference I see is that you’re not having to hold the whole hotend from rotating while swapping out, which honestly would be really nice.