Which switches can you recommend?

Can you get them in bulk for a cheaper price?

  • ArbiterXero@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The key is not to overdo it.

    In theory I could automate triple clicks or more things with the config button, but I chose to just stick with the double clicks.

    …… the config button on a single press “pauses” everything on the basement tv so that I can call the kiddos without yelling.

    Because I already paused their tv lol.

    They don’t like that one as much as I do.

    • Jakor@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      lol I like that pause button idea!

      Agreed to not overdo it. I’m trying to coach my SO on every automation so she can appreciate the added convenience too, which means keeping the automations logical and simple.

      My one exception to this is two light switches that will turn all lights in the house on or off with a quadruple press, in case I’m on my way out the door or to bed and want to make sure I turn off any lights I forgot about. That one I figure has to be hard enough to press that someone can’t accidentally turn on the bedroom lights in the middle of the night.

      The only thing inovelli is missing is presence detection. I have two of their upcoming mmWave switches on preorder that should take care of that though!

      • AA5B@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        . I have two of their upcoming mmWave switches on preorder

        Same here. They look like such a cool technology!

        I would have been tempted to get them everywhere but will have to see - I don’t think my switches are well placed for presence detection or at least not in the rooms I care most about