When compared to other Enterprise classes such as the Constitution, Excelsior, and Galaxy, we’ve seen a surprisingly small number of Ambassador class ships, both in terms of unique vessels and on-screen appearances. What might account for the relative dearth of these ships?

  • smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    The production reason would likely be that they had only built that one physical model, and it was used for that one-off, had to be blown up, and was never digitized. The other Enterprises got a lot more screen time probably because they had high quality models they hung onto and reused.

    I honestly can’t think of a good in-universe reason outside of them being maybe predominantly used for diplomatic missions more or less exclusively. We also don’t really explore the gap between TMP era and TNG. I think it’s a pity, because it’s such a gorgeous ship. It’s one of my favorite designs.