Reddit migrator here (shocking, I know)

Just wondering because I found out about all this yesterday and just realized the ammount of independent servers, but no sign of any ads or sponsors. So… is it all based on donations?

Also don’t just lurk, if you know you should answer because lemmy only counts users who posted or commented as active users.

    1 year ago

    I run my own instance just because I want to build a community that people can enjoy. I do it out of my own pocket and don’t ask for donations of any kind. Not everything is about profit for some people. If I were running a site as big as, then I would consider it, but only to cover some expenses.

    • SpiderShoeCult
      1 year ago

      This. We need to stop seeing such online gatherings as opportunities to be profitable. I personally view them as social interactions and opportunities to exchange random and interesting information. Water cooler talks or forums (the ancient greek/roman sort - I wonder how many shitposts those had).

      When you invite people over to your house for a gathering (also incurring costs - even if people bring something to cover the catering bit, you still have to clean up afterwards) you wouldn’t consider it as an opportunity to profit right? (Or you are and are just hosting an MLM party or have some sort of agenda to push).