Most Scifi fans I have ran into can pretty quickly rank the four stars –BattleSTAR Galactica, STAR Trek, STARgate, and STAR wars, but what lesser-known or less-prestigious shows hold a special place in your heart?
No, Firefly doesn’t count as lesser-known.
Fringe was very cool.
I tried watching Fringe but I felt that some of the dialogue / character interactions were insufferably bad, cheesy, cliche. Couldn’t get into it.
Fringe is a slow-burner. It’s definitely a slow start, but it’s an incredible show and will grow on you.
This is especially true for Olivia Dunham’s speeches… Other than that it’s quite enjoyable.
Rough around the edges at first but it ages like a fine wine and has a place with the best of TV sci-fi.