I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:

“If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank”

What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?

  • jsveiga@vlemmy.net
    1 year ago

    I’ve never used them.

    If I like an app or site, but the ads are annoying me, I do one of these:

    • If there’s an option to pay the creator/aggregator to eliminate the ads, and the cost/benefit is worth it, I’ll pay.

    • If there is no option to pay, but the app/content is worth the ads annoyance, I’ll keep using the app/site and watch/skip/ignore the ads.

    • If there is no option to pay, or there is, but the price is higher than what I perceive as the app/content value, I’ll stop using the app/site.

    For example, I paid for Baconreader Premium, but I watch YouTube ads, and I removed several sites from my google home page feed because they had more ads than content.

    I’m also stop using Reddit, as I don’t think it’s worth enduring their obnoxious native app.

    And no, I don’t use pirated software, nor watch or listen to pirated movies or music. If something is priced above what I consider it’s worth, I just don’t use it.

    Yes, Baconreader Premium could be consider as a “reddit ad blocker”, but it operated within Reddit’s approval. Now Reddit changed their rules, and it’s their rules.

    • kilmister@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      If something is priced above what I consider it’s worth, I just don’t use it.

      Tell that to every student who has to pay unreasonable amounts every semester for textbooks…