Hello UKCasual, I’m currently looking for part-time job for 20 hours and thought that some of you might be searching for someone or know someone in need of a person. I am highly motivated and truly eagered to work and in action. It would be a pleasure to discuss this further if you are interested. I am able to Remote-Work if needed!

I’ll be deleting this post in one week; it’s temporary. My goal is simply to find a job.

PS: If the work attire requires me wearing a Dress Shirt, please tell me, as I’ll need to buy new ones

  • SoonaPaana@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Hey all the best with your job hunt! I noticed few typos you may want to address : in the objective section - “SeptembER” , “waiter AT some moments” Stago experience - “taskED” , “AN understandable tool”

    There are some weird phrasing too. Maybe a native speaker can help you out better!