Kensanata’s mastodon-archive tool was originally working as expected to archive posts from Then out of the blue one day it started printing this:

Loading existing archive:
Get user info
Get new statusesTraceback (most recent call last):
00] STDIN                                           File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mastodon-archive/", line 5, in <module>
Seen 10 duplicates, stopping now.
Use --no-stopping to prevent this.
Added a total of 25 new items
Get new favourites    mastodon_archive.main()
                                               File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mastodon-archive/mastodon_archive/", line 333, in main
                                 File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mastodon-archive/mastodon_archive/", line 148, in archive
Seen 10 duplicates, stopping now.
Use --no-stopping to prevent this.
Added a total of 7 new items
Get bookmarks (this may take a while)    bookmarks = mastodon.bookmarks()
                                                                           File "<decorator-gen-59>", line 2, in bookmarks
                                                                                                                            File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mastodon/", line 96, in wrapper
                                                                   raise MastodonVersionError("Version check failed (Need version " + version + ")")
        mastodon.Mastodon.MastodonVersionError: Version check failed (Need version 3.1.0)

The count of new items never resets to zero. It should go back to zero after every fetch, so this implies fetching no longer occurs (or at least it no longer finishes). The current version of is Mastdoon v4.2.5. Not sure if a version upgrade would be related. Other Mastodon instances do not have this issue.

The bug tracker is on MS Github, thus out of reach for me: