I’ve done LMNT packs which just have stevia and flavoring. Or purchasing Potassium, Magnesium from a place like powder city or bulk supplements ADDING pink sally, and mixing a small dose together to do make my own diy style LMNT. I’ve tried maybe a dozen different gels that contain those with or without carbs and caffeine, but I can say those 3 are really all you need during a run if you’re eating well
Thanks! What are you doing for electrolytes?
I’ve done LMNT packs which just have stevia and flavoring. Or purchasing Potassium, Magnesium from a place like powder city or bulk supplements ADDING pink sally, and mixing a small dose together to do make my own diy style LMNT. I’ve tried maybe a dozen different gels that contain those with or without carbs and caffeine, but I can say those 3 are really all you need during a run if you’re eating well