• MentalEdgeOPM
      5 months ago

      You’re welcome to give the post a second downvote, if you didn’t already give it its first.

      But aside from that, I’d like to show you the door. You seem like the kind of person that gets kicked out at parties because you won’t stop complaining about everyone else having fun the wrong way. I’d rather you just block me and/or the community, and just not RSVP to begin with.

        • MentalEdgeOPM
          5 months ago

          I merely recontextualized something you already did. That is not a leap in logic, it is a way to illustrate a point. That you are unwelcome, and why.

          There are plenty of things a person only needs to do once, to instantly disgrace themselves.

          You didn’t have anything nice to say, but you engaged anyway. Are you saying I should have waited for you to be rude twice, before telling you off?

          • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
            25 months ago

            You are a little sensitive one aren’t you? I think I can make fun of something or criticize something all I want and won’t just leave the community because your brittleness can’t take it.

            • MentalEdgeOPM
              5 months ago

              I’d be a pretty shitty mod if I didn’t at least try to set people being potentially hurtful straight.

              I’m trying to be nice, and leave you some room for introspection and self-improvement, but since you insist, a ban it is.

              • @LordKitsuna@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                This is exactly the kind of behavior that’s making Lemmy an echo chamber and boring as hell. They didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t say anything hurtful, they just don’t like it. God forbid someone have their own opinion though when mods can just ban anyone who dares say anything other than pure positivity Inb4 I’m also banned

                • MentalEdgeOPM
                  5 months ago

                  They didn’t need to call glasses a fetish, call out bayonetta as if it’s a negative association, nor use the word “lame”. There was nothing constructive about it, unless I or the artists cared about pleasing them specifically.

                  The art simply wasn’t for them, and that’s a subjective opinion there was no reason to share, especially if you’re going to go beyond “this isn’t for me” and then walking out. There was no reason for them to express their distaste in a way that suggests others are wrong to enjoy it.

                  And this is an art appreciation community. So yes, only positivity allowed. Don’t enjoy the content? Block. It.

                  You don’t see me in metal music communities, commenting how it’s “just noise” IMO. That is not an opinion that needs expressing, it won’t be welcome.

                  Lemmy isn’t a democracy. It’s a federation of dictatorships. Don’t like how one is ruled? Go start your own.

                  I tried to make this point. I gave them a chance to change their behaviour. Instead, they doubled down. Consider this community a soapbox, which I don’t owe anyone the right to stand on.

                  If I tell you I don’t like what you do when you stand on it, and you won’t listen, I will revoke your access to it.