at first I read that one header as “We’re Not Changing”

      8 months ago

      In theory, they can’t share ad targeting data. That said, with the DMA they should not be able to share “data to effectively make you able to complete tasks”, that’s the point. Interoperability between Gmail and YouTube should equal the interoperability between Gmail and Peertube or somesuch.

      8 months ago

      EU, aka the illusion of changes to make good impression while catching 🤝US dollars at the EU parliment

    8 months ago

    Cool, so its either: do YOU want to use shared data across your accounts as well, or only us (google)?

    • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 months ago

      The loopholes are ridiculous, not to mention that they are obviously going to just break everything for you if you don’t comply anyway, but there’s so many things they could do to throw sand in the gears- what matters is that the EU is doing something, it’s reacting, it’s trying to fight it and keep our common European values and not let foreign corporate empires dictate how things are done here, futile as the prospect may seem.

    8 months ago

    Text transcript for the blind :

    Keep your Google services, like YouTube, linked?

    YouTube, Google Search, Google Play, Ad services, Google Chrome, Google Shopping & Google Maps.

    New laws in the EU mean that, starting on March 6, 2024, Google needs your consent if you want to keep these services linked. When linked, they can share data with each other and with all other Google services to :

    • Combine data to help personalize content and ads.
    • Develop and improve our services.
    • Measure and improve the delivery of ads
    • Perform other purposes described in Google’s Privacy Policy at

    Things to know : Other settings let you control whether you see personalized content or ads. Linking Google services is not about sharing your data with third-party services.

    What data is used : All types of personal data described in Google’s Privacy Policy can be shared across linked Google services.

    What’s not changing : Even if they’re not linked, Google services can always share data with each other to prevent fraud and abuse, effectively help you complete tasks, and for certain other purposes.

    You’re in control. You can change your choices anytime in your Google Account. Choices will take effect on March 6, 2024. Learn more about linked services. (I don’t have the link to transcribe).

    Here’s a relevant article :

        • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
          8 months ago

          Ha ha none, that’s me getting creative so you guys have something pretty to look at while also hiding my personal info. I can’t help myself starting to doodling away when I go to delete shit with GIMP.

          But I will always prefer screenshots because I think it is more impactful and provides visual context to show what’s going on, a picture says more than a thousand words as it were.

      8 months ago

      Unless we made it so you are not but think you are. We value your privacy. Like literally. We value your private shit in dollaridoos. Lots of’em. So we’re taking your privacy seriously. Seriously to the bank that is.

      8 months ago

      An efficient solution would to just stop using Google’s services all together. That way they can’t spy on you so easily and make a profile from your internet habits.

      There are plenty of alternatives to Google services in the opensource realm.

      • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
        8 months ago

        De-googling is not a simple task, it takes actual man-hours of proper work to be done, especially when we’re talking decades of accounts et c. Even when and if that gets done, what are you going to do about Android? And even if you sort that out, there are a hundred other digital ware that would need the same treatment.

        At some point the task becomes insurmountable, it seems, not to mention you already need to have a solid technical background to have a chance of pulling it off.

        I would love some suggestions if you have them, but frankly I am getting too old for this shit, I’ve fought it all my life but I’m just the one person and my time is limited you know what I’m sayin.

    • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 months ago

      Things most certainly changed. Now google has to beg me for it. Come on Google, beg. But maybe your point is that resistance is futile and why even try to fight it just give in and let it happen. I don’t know but mama didn’t raise no quitter, I don’t know about you but to each his own eh.

        • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
          8 months ago

          This is one battle in the long war, my friend. If you want to kill them, these kinds of steps are absolutely essential. You can’t just go back in time and snipe Hitler, you have to fight on the beaches, on the fields and in the streets, and you must never surrender.

    8 months ago

    Does Google allow de-linking between accounts that were linked previously, then? I’ve seen people holding into a Google account just because it’s keeping hostage other accounts they actually care about.

    8 months ago

    The next thing we need to outlaw is this marketing bs.

    They are asking if you want to link services so they can share data. In the bottom bit they say they’re gonna share anyway for „other reasons“.

    Same as with banking services, I want to see how much money they will make from selling my data.

    8 months ago

    Yay no seperate accounts anymore. Like, as if it is hard to create a Google Account…

    8 months ago

    Downvoted for picture of text. Please link to the page and transcribe it if you want to post a picture too. Blind people can’t read images of text.

        8 months ago

        Lemmy needs to add real alt-text functionality, putting in the body works, sure; but it’s not going to work out for posts that have both post text and images in the body. Such as someone posting text along with additional screenshots.

        Alt-text should be hidden visually, but readable by screen readers.

        • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
          8 months ago

          Huh. Would that be a good solution, like a hover popup you mean? I’m not into CSS. Will screen readers get that? Shouldn’t be crazy difficult to make a bot otherwise, screen reader scans images for text on request by poster or automatically. We have bots here right?

            8 months ago

            No. Basically just hidden/invisible text that only a screen reader would see.
            You’d just upload an image and type alt-text in a box, hit enter and the alt-text would be added to the HTML of the page but not rendered and the image would be added to the markdown as usual, when the screen reader gets to the image, instead of just skipping over it, it’d pull the hidden text from the HTML and read that.

            See HTML Accessibility.

            • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
              8 months ago

              That sounds like a great idea, in that case, but I know 0 about HTML, I just make systems run. Where do we go to suggest something like it? Lemmy is a whole new thing for me so…

          8 months ago

          Not sure what you mean. Just type the alt in markdown

            8 months ago

            Doing it in markdown isn’t a great solution, that’s more for hover text then anything. Having a bunch of text in markdown Alt-text clogs the hell out of the post body and makes it harder to copy the raw markdown if you’re not trying to grab a fuck load of additional text.

            See HTML Accessibility.

            8 months ago

            Here’s an extreme case example why markdown isn’t great for this purpose. Also, not every client renders the markdown the same, Lemmy has no standardized markdown syntax/implementation. For example, my client won’t render your example the way you think it will; it renders the link at the end in text and has a [ before the image, and my client hates new lines in markdown alt-text. If you use \ in the alt-text, it render the image twice, and if you use a blank newline it will not render at all.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. At auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend. Elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis. Id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in. In mollis nunc sed id semper. Scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu. Ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada. Quam id leo in vitae turpis. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim. Lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis. Libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim. Viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque. Eu consequat ac felis donec et odio. Suscipit tellus mauris a diam. Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.
Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Sit amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor. Morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Enim nec dui nunc mattis. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh. Bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae. Penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus. Egestas diam in arcu cursus. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus. Nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue. Rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque.
Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim. Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non. Nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut. Habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit. Et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend. Tellus id interdum velit laoreet. In metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo. Aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor. Id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam. Aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis. In est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a. Eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis. Dui ut ornare lectus sit. Gravida quis blandit turpis cursus. Quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec. Ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa. Maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit.
Urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend. Aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu turpis. Quam nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi. Mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo. Erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi. Dictum non consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis. Quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor. Nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet. Commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non. Consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis. Commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet. Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam. Amet purus gravida quis blandit. Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque. Dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut. Leo duis ut diam quam. Sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu. Lobortis elementum nibh tellus molestie nunc non. Accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis. Amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas dui. Est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. Non odio euismod lacinia at quis risus sed. Id ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra. Sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia at. Porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor. Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor. Aliquam purus sit amet luctus. Ultrices tincidunt arcu non sodales neque sodales ut etiam. Gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac. Tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam. Nibh praesent tristique magna sit. Eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus. Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit. Maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa. Quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit. Amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant. Dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget nunc. Non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id. Purus in mollis nunc sed id. Elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam. Dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac. Ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin.
Est velit egestas dui id ornare arcu odio ut. Nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl. Egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum. Lacus vel facilisis volutpat est. Sed euismod nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor. Cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu. Volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi. Aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum. Aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod. Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis. Morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas. Feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor. Felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel. Ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl. Luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna. Aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis. Velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse. Diam donec adipiscing tristique risus nec. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames. Adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna. Sed blandit libero volutpat sed cras ornare. Viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat scelerisque. Tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce. Lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat.

            HTML is a pretty damn nailed down standard and can already properly handle Alt-text.

      • Ann Archy@lemmy.worldOP
        8 months ago

        Dude I’m just a drunk gal with an internet connection, you would not believe the things that slip my mind on a daily basis.

        I am always respectful and try to mind, but I’m not exactly omniscient either, I can barely hold my life together know what I mean? So sorry for no subtitles, but there are tons of super cool people here who do it voluntarily so that everyone can enjoy the knowledge of how deeply we are being spied on by Google. And our fight against it!

        • It’s not an indictment of you, it’s an indictment of Lemmy. AP has alt-text in the format. AP clients - almost uniformly - have space for alt text whanever pictures are posted, and the best of the remind and encourage you to add alt text when you post pictures. Lemmy provides no facility for alt-text; for a platform developed in this century and largely populated by inclusive liberals, it’s a rather shocking omission.