Hi! I’ve gotten into composting a lot more, and I try to do my best to compost everything that is compostable (Napkins, qtips, coffee grounds, etc) I even have a plastic bag I put all my compostables in, so I can put them in my bin when the bag is full. I even asked my coffee shop for their coffee grounds, which I’m hoping to make a weekly thing. What are some things you compost and do for the environment?

  • Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I have a compost bin that I throw a lot of stuff in, and I have chickens, so I also throw some scraps on the ground around the compost bin and the hens excitedly gobble them up. When it comes time to plant the garden and use the compost, all my hens run across the yard at full tilt to pounce on any worms or other crawlers in the bin. When I’m digging in the garden I’m always under the watchful eyes of hungry hens waiting for my trowel to uncover worms.

    Where I live, there are invasive Japanese beetles that devastate all sorts of native plants. I put out pheromone traps that attract the beetles to within reach of the chickens, and then the chickens happily eat the beetles for me. The chickens barely touch their feed in peak beetle season, and I’ve heard of people catching enough beetles to freeze and feed their chickens all year.

    The extra protein and micronutrients from the beetles make my hens’ eggs tastier, too.