Has anybody managed to get a Pixelfed instance up and running using the zknt/pixelfed Docker images recently, or are you all building from source?

I’ve been trying for a couple of days now, everything pulls and starts fine but then the app and worker just keep restarting. Logs show pgsql trying and failing to connect to a local port which isn’t open (because I’m not using Postgres for my database), and I don’t know why. I’m using mariadb for the database image, the env file specifies mysql for the database connection, I’ve deleted every mention of postgres from the env file and it’s still doing the same thing.

Before I completely wipe the box I’m using for testing and start again with a clean server install is there anything obvious that I might be missing?

  • kristian@lemmy.astheriver.artOP
    1 year ago

    Brief update to this, I changed the mariadb and redis images in the docker-compose to use the images from zknt as well (instead of whatever is in the one on the Pixelfed github), now it still doesn’t work but it’s throwing mysql errors instead of pgsql ones. So that’s an improvement I suppose.

    Going to wipe everything and start again, but I suspect I’ll end up just building it all myself at this rate.

    Related question: Does anyone know if it’s still possible to build the apps inside Docker? There was a commit months ago which removed the build section fron the docker-compose.yml and replaced it with an image (which apparently doesn’t exist), if I re-add that is the existing Dockerfile still going to work for building? Or has that been dropped now?