The mother of slain hostage Ron Sherman accused the IDF of ‘poisoning’ her son to death inside a Jabaliya tunnel.

    8 months ago

    Coincidence? Are you suggesting that poisonous gases were only coincidentally released into Gaza? Or that it’s just coincidental that there were hostages there? In the tunnels. Where even we know they would obviously be.

    Edit. Just also want to share the quote from the mother of one of the people the IDF killed:

    “The results of the investigation: Ron was indeed murdered,” she wrote. “Not by Hamas. Think more in the direction of Auschwitz and the showers but without Nazis and without Hamas as the cause. No accidental shooting, no report, premeditated murder, bombings with poisonous gases.”

    • Yes his presence. I saw the mother’s quote. The actual report said the cause of death could not be determined due to the condition of the body. This is the sole report I’ve heard from anyone in the course of war suggesting the use of poisonous gas as a weapon and for that reason it’s just not credible.

      More likely, the woman misunderstood the report or, as many here have done, attributed to malice what is better explained by bad luck.

      From context and reading between the lines, I could see the report stating that the man suffocated from smoke and fumes before being burned in a fire. That would be consistent with both the IDF and the mother’s statements.

      • ???
        8 months ago

        The IDF seems to always say “we can’t confirm” or “we had no activity in the area” or “we don’t know maybe a Palestinian shot this journalist in the head even though we extracted a standard IDF bullet from her head” every time they do something terrible.

        I don’t think THAT’S a coincidence.

        • Sometimes they say that. Most of the time though they say “yeah we conducted an airstrike and killed X number of Hamas militants.”

          And of course Hamas says every single time “nope those were innocent people just going about their day.”

          Some of them have to be Hamas, right? So, in my view, they have less credibility. Denying their own existence is part of their strategy of martyrdom. If they admit Israel really did kill a bunch of Hamas soldiers, that doesn’t push the right narrative for Hamas and Iran.