I assume there’s no relation to the original Mumble?
I contacted David Yap, the Mumble (trymumble.com) project starter. They wrote:
It was a coincidence. We did not heard of mumble [mumble.info, editor’s note] before this. We do not share the same code base and our brand are totally different.
Pretty interesting that someone who claims to work as Product Design Lead at a YC S17 startup (pop meals, ex dahmakan) didn’t find mumble, which is literally the first google search result on a new profile in VPN and even has a Wikipedia entry. I wonder why?
I contacted David Yap, the Mumble (trymumble.com) project starter. They wrote:
Pretty interesting that someone who claims to work as Product Design Lead at a YC S17 startup (pop meals, ex dahmakan) didn’t find mumble, which is literally the first google search result on a new profile in VPN and even has a Wikipedia entry. I wonder why?