To be fair, that is the concept art, the real thing looks more like this:
Certainly not Windows 95, but not as good as the concept art. Yet people still complain A LOT, because it breaks theor two decade old CSS and “looks like a electron app” (whatever that means…).
On that topic, is there an alternative for a mail client + calendar for Win 11 that doesn’t look and feel like a Windows 95 exe named Thunderbird?
Thunderbird did get a UI overhaul semi-recently so it might offer what you’re after now.
I also liked eM Client which has a free version.
I must’ve missed this by a thread when I gave Thunderbird another shot six months ago. Cool!
This looks like Win 95 to you?
Of course, this is what I see /s
To be fair, that is the concept art, the real thing looks more like this:
Certainly not Windows 95, but not as good as the concept art. Yet people still complain A LOT, because it breaks theor two decade old CSS and “looks like a electron app” (whatever that means…).
If someone tells me “it looks like an electron app” I assume they mean “doesn’t have a native window bar”
Actually this the first time I noticed Thunderbird don’t have a native window bar LOL.
Like who looks at window bar all day?!
eM Client is the absolute best I’ve ever used.
There’s surprisingly few standalone email clients for normal people on desktop platforms as far as I know.
Reading through their mail merge tutorial, their method looks insanely risky: putting all addresses in “to” and rembering to click another button.
I’ve been using Thunderbird and loving it. They’re developing a mobile app now as well!