I have a bltouch clone which work fine on glass bed. After switching to textured PEI sheet, it’s variance trippled to 0.1mm, which make my bed mesh all wobbly.

I’m I suppose to remove the steel plate when making the bed mesh? Do you home Z with a probe with this setup?

The weirdest thing is, despite all this all my prints adhere completely fine. I guess PEI is just that good.

    • ffhein@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Not doubting you, but I can’t think of a logical reason for why it would be like that. The probe pin shouldn’t push down hard enough to be able to deform the PEI

      Perhaps as a workaround you could configure the firmware to probe each spot 3 times and average the result, if you don’t mind the extra time levelling would take?