I apologise if this has been said before.

When we upvote a Thread it shows up in our Favourites. I’m my opinion, upvoting and favouriting should be two distinct actions, and those Threads should be saved in separate lists.
The way it is right now, I’m always a bit reluctant to upvote a Thread. I may like or agree with the content of a Thread, but don’t think it’s important enough to be saved for later. So I opt to not upvote it because I don’t want other Threads that I upvoted and may want to consult again in the future to drown in a sea of less relevant Threads.

I think having two separate options, upvoting and favouriting, would improve the user experience and increase engagement.

  • Shortcake@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The upvote, boost and how it affects your reputation score is being reworked, per the dev. No timeline on it though. I assume a terminology change will happen, but it can’t hurt to give feedback when the change goes live. Or comment on the codeberg project issue