I’m talking about before we figured out we could grow vegetables and fruits. Early humans are often shown as being fit and in shape, yet our diet pretty much only consisted of meat. We were hunters. So why the hell were they so fit? I thought a healthy diet mattered more than just being active constantly?
Check out https://www.amazon.com/Carnivore-Diet-Shawn-Baker/dp/162860350X and https://www.amazon.com/Carnivore-Code-Unlocking-Returning-Ancestral/dp/035846997X/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1MAORNKKPSQCA&keywords=carnivore+book&qid=1686982290&sprefix=carnivore+book%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-3.
All nutritionists you need are in animal products and people who exclusively eat them are thriving.