The way that you can put a 3D camera and world inside a resizeable UI viewport container is really cool. I was able to make like a handheld console UI and just add the 3D view where the screen would be. Similarly the way you can make things in a 2D scene and then put it as a plane in a 3D world.
@Ategon One of the features that led me to finally decide on Godot over Unity/Unreal, and I think an overall underrated feature is how freaking fast it starts up.
Even on my cheap laptop, where I wouldn’t even dream of running Unreal, I can just open up Godot and it’ll be ready before I finish adjusting my glasses.
I’ve joked that I could make a whole game in Godot while waiting for Unity to start up. Not far off reality, tbh.
Lol yeah I watched a video where someone made a game in Godot during the time it took Unreal to start up
You can make use of the operating system’s own text-to-speech systems, either as an accessibility feature or to create old-school voiced games. It apparently should work out of the box on Windows and MacOS, but not all Linux distros will have the proper packages pre-installed.
This “name-something” functionality for import of 3D scenes is quite handy.
I don’t know if shaders fall into this category, because everyone knows that it exists but I always feel like many people are afraid of trying to work with this and so just skip this entirely… And of course this is not limited to Godot.