hi there, comrades! just curious, what do you all actually host for yourselves?
i currently run a two old PCs refurbished as Ubuntu servers and am looking at adding a Raspberry Pi 400 that i was gifted and don’t know what to do with. i have ideas though!
anyway, i’d love to hear what you’ve found useful, helpful, and/or fun to run. my own answer will be in the comments.
xoggy@programming.dev3·1 year ago- portable development environment with tmux + neovim + whatever toolchain I’m working in
- various projects I’m developing such as bots or web tools that need uptime or I just don’t want to tie down to my local machine
- immich
- minidlna
- nginx reverse proxy with various personal websites behind it
- rsync backup jobs on systemd timers
- rtorrent
- veilid node