Hey Lemmy! Let’s see if we can get some community building going! What’s your favorite .WAD and why do you like it?
I am new to DOOM and I’m only just starting to explore what’s out there. Right now I’ve played through fava.wad and found it enjoyable, but I got lost quite often! My current favorite is Ancient Aliens, it is way too hard for me right now, but the first level is just fun, frantic, and the first sequence impressed me a ton. I’m so excited to explore more of what’s out there.
Sunlust ftw. Gorgeous maps (especially E3 maps) that force you to play outside your comfort zone.
That and Plutonia, just because of Go 2 It, which is a genuinely fun map to play.
Going Down has been one of my favorites. Unique level design with an elevator theme and a surreal twist. Works with brutal doom but can be very difficult at times.
Wad Download Link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gd
YT Video Review: https://youtu.be/45Kkpo6tEto