Unless you use secret chats, Telegram can theoretically access all your conversations, as they are stored in their cloud. It should be a no-brainer, but there’s a couple of cool privacy/anonymity-related things that Telegram has over Signal:
you can chat with people and join groups without having to share your phone number
in private chats, you can delete messages for both sides, anytime, and even those that were sent by your chat partner (or directly wipe the entire conversation for both the involved parties)
in group chats, you can delete your messages without time limit (some forks of the Android app allows to delete your entire messages history in one click, such as Forkgram (it’s on f-droid)). As far as I remember, Signal has a 3 hours threshold
it’s not based in the US, and it has a good record when it comes to protect their users’ data from governments attempts to sneak into their citizens’ inboxes
Unless you use secret chats, Telegram can theoretically access all your conversations, as they are stored in their cloud. It should be a no-brainer, but there’s a couple of cool privacy/anonymity-related things that Telegram has over Signal:
I just use Telegram to download movies. 😎Its great for that as well.
In public groups now you can even talk on behalf of a public channel, if you create it, and avoid sharing your number and account!