I recently purchased a klor from beekeeb, ready soldered :) excellent soldering job; in any case. I didn’t realise that the mcu would be exposed. So i was wondering if I should be worried. I don’t want to stick black electrical tape over it because it will get sticky. Wondering what i could do. Worried i move the keyboard one day with moisture on my fingers and then i get a short, which will be a sad day. Thanks.

  • remotelove@lemmy.ca
    10 kuukautta sitten

    Electrical tape is a pain. It will work, but it’ll age and either get nasty-sticky or the adhesive will degrade eventually, still leaving a layer if nasty stuff on the MCU. It’s a crap shoot, depending on how it it was made.

    Kapton tape (maybe?) or a 3D printed cover would be better.

    If you want something permanent, some potting epoxy would work wonders. It’ll be messy and more expensive, but it won’t budge. Ever.

    The last option I could think of that would be between tape and epoxy would be some common silicone sealant. You can get it clear, black and white colors easily. It’ll be a hair messy, but you can peel it off later.

    I have basically stopped using electrical tape for electronics work unless I really don’t give a shit. At the end of the day, anything that would prevent a short between the pins on the MCU is a win.