>be in the Georgian military
>Watch duty with a buddy in the middle of a semi-wooded near the Russian border and Abkhazian state that is also a mountain
>Have shitty ak-74
>middle of the night just chatting with the buddy
>hear a sound coming like buzzing and gargling
>look down from the hill
>nothing there or whatever that thing was is hiding behind a tree
>ask the buddy what it might be
>he thinks it is an animal but we don’t care we have guns
>see something moving
>it is a bush
>bush is moving towards us
>not a ghillie suit a big bush like 4m
>we warn it
>we shoot a warning shot in the ground and air
>we are screaming at this point
>we start to shoot the bush nothing happens
>when it got closer I saw these sticks under it like it was using its branches to walk towards us
>I had 57 bullets on me after the first mag was gone
>I ran back so did my buddy
>we are running to the base on a hilly area
>reach base tells Sargent what happened
>after giving us a disappointed look goes outside with both of us
>the bush is still moving
>thinks it is a gillie suit
>Shoots it with better aim
>nothing it still comes towards us slowly
>goes closer to the bush
>he sees it
>confirms it is a moving bush
>tells us to go back to the base and get the others
>2 more people come out
>5 people now watching a fucking bush move
>one guy says it is a new thing made by the Russians to fuck with us
>go back to base and lock every building up
>2 guys are on guard Sargent is making a call and not getting believed
>the bush fucking stops outside the base
>go to inspect it
>it has stopped moving
>it is a normal bush now
>it is now 6:00
>the sun is rising
>sargent goes to look at the bush
>sees it is a normal bush
>fucking cuts the bush with a hatchet
>pours motor oil to its stomp
>burns the bush
>get home
>make this post
>I am scared of bushes now
>It was a berry bush if it makes a difference

  • slaacaa@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Subject: Anomalous Flora Incident - Designation: SCP-[ID REDACTED]

    Description: On [DATE REDACTED], an anomalous event occurred in a semi-wooded area near the Georgian-Russian border. Two Georgian military personnel on watch duty reported the presence of a sentient, mobile berry bush approximately 4 meters in size. The bush exhibited unusual behavior, moving purposefully towards the individuals despite gunfire and verbal warnings.

    The anomaly continued its advance even after direct gunfire failed to deter it. It ceased movement upon reaching the military base perimeter, reverting to the appearance of a normal berry bush. Subsequent examination revealed no anomalous properties in its non-active state.

    Efforts to eliminate the anomaly were undertaken by personnel on site, involving the application of motor oil and subsequent incineration. The anomaly was successfully neutralized, leaving only a standard berry bush residue.

    It is imperative to monitor the affected area for potential recurrence of anomalous flora phenomena. The incident raises questions about the nature and origin of the anomaly, prompting further investigation by SCP personnel.