Hello everyone, So first post here from Reddit…

This is mostly a venting post: I’ve had a great run of luck end recently. I killed three liches in a row with the first rune sequence I tried. As I’m cautious about my approach to liches that meant they stayed lvl1 the whole time. It was fun.

Now I’ve got a Sister of Parvos. Lucked out and she’s got the one Tenet weapon I’m most interested in getting however as stated above my luck ran out with sequence guessing. I’ve got the correct sequence now by process of elimination but she’s level four.

I like to do lich missions in public… I’ve had four or five consecutive missions fail because of how tough level four sisters are. I’ve started bringing the stuff I use for Archon hunts… for the most recent mission that just produced a soft-lock.

The lock consisted of one of the other Tenno’s Sister creating a specter of my Archon hunt Lavos build and then that specter getting wedged into a console we needed to open a door. Because it was a super-high armor build with Adaptation & Lavos’ healing power it was unkillable and surprisingly could 1-shot the Wisp who’s Sister made it.

How do people deal with this madness?

  • Convict45@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Silence shuts down their abilities.

    Friends with strong gear modded for their weaknesses.

    Frame Arcanes picked to reduce or negate their damage.

    Ivara can punk almost any combo of lich or sister level and abilities. They simply have no way to cope with invisible enemies, especially if Silence is up. You just stand 60 m away headshotting them.

  • dion0808@dormi.zone
    1 year ago

    Try Nyx. Being able to stip all of your Sister’s Shields and Armor makes them very squishy.

    • Halasham@dormi.zoneOP
      1 year ago

      Thanks, managed to get her… and using a similar principle but just a different frame: Stayanax.

      • Dystopia@dormi.zone
        1 year ago

        Doesn’t really help you now, but for future reference, a lot of the Tenet weapons have innate Radiation, or there’s a chance you used a Progenitor which gives Radiation as a bonus element (a lich with a Radiation Progenitor also has magnetize as one of its abilities. And an Impact Progenitor can spawn a sister with Hallowed Ground.

        Most likely, someone on your squad was getting Rad proc’d or Magnetized and killing the resto of the team because of the base Radiation damage on the weapons or an ability like Hallowed Ground giving your team that status effect enabling friendly fire. You can bring a warframe like Oberon for status immunity with his Hallowed Ground or Nezha with his Warding Halo Augment to give the entire team immunity to Radiation Procs. To get around Magnetize you can use melee instead, I’m unsure if rolling lets you escape the same way it breaks you out of Malice’s void bubble. Other than that, solo with a frame that can go invisible and hit it with melee until it dies, generally Sisters do not do much damage and deaths are caused by teammates that have been Rad proc’d.