This is turning into a deal breaker for me. It doesn’t matter what instance I’m on, or what I have selected from the dropdown (or browser I’m using), but “new” posts are constantly flooding the feed list.

First, new posts shouldn’t even show if I specifically select a different view. Second, they flood things so fast I can’t even click on the things I’m interested in. If I look away from the page for 30 seconds it’s just junk.

I’ve had two other people tell me they are seeing the same thing. Tested on MacOS and Windows. Chrome/Brave/Firefox/Safari.

Anyone have a fix?

    2 years ago

    It ought to improve with the move to version 0.18, which was just released today. They are replacing the WebSocket API connections with HTTP(S, I hope) connections in order to reduce the amount of traffic going back and forth. I don’t know for sure, but I think this will take out the real-time updating feature that causes these feeds to move around while you’re reading them.

    Here’s the list of what they have done for 0.18, and it’s clear they have been working hard: