bees sometimes fly, like flies, but not exactly like flies; though they do fly. Bees do. Well, flies also fly, but differently. Not that differently if you don’t care about such distinctions, but pretty differently if you do. I wish I could fly. That last one wasn’t a bee fact. It was a me fact.
Bees store the nectar in a honey stomach, where no digestions happen at all. So it’s not bug vomit.
They’re also bees, which are notably distinct from humans in ways almost too numerous to count.
Can I please have another bee fact?
bees sometimes fly, like flies, but not exactly like flies; though they do fly. Bees do. Well, flies also fly, but differently. Not that differently if you don’t care about such distinctions, but pretty differently if you do. I wish I could fly. That last one wasn’t a bee fact. It was a me fact.
I read this with Morgan Freeman voice and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you. Never have I rejoiced more in the rereading of my own comment.
“Vomit” doesn’t require digestion to be called vomit. If it was in a stomach and then came back out via a mouth, it’s vomit.
Are bees a ruminant?